South Carolina S1087
BACKGROUND: South Carolina S1087 would only permit a student to participate on a team competing in an interscholastic activity that is under the jurisdiction of the South Carolina High School League according to the sex stated on the student’s original birth certificate. The bill would require the student to produce their original birth certificate at the request of the South Carolina High School League.
TAKE ACTION: Contact committee members of the Committee on Education hearing SC S1087. Do this once for maximum impact (repeated emails are not necessary to these folks)
EMAILS: (you can send one email!)
Greg Hembree, Chairman. (803) 212-6350
Richard Cash (803) 212-6124
Larry Grooms (803) 212-6400
Brad Hutto (803) 212-6140
Nikki G. Setzler (803) 796-7573
John W. Matthews, Jr. (803) 212-6056
Luke A. Rankin (803) 212-6610
Harvey S. Peeler, Jr. (803) 212-6430
Darrell Jackson (803) 212-6048
Gerald Malloy (803) 212-6172
Shane Massey (803) 212-6330
Nick Nicholson (803) 212-6040
Rex Rice (803) 212-6116
Vince Sheheen (803) 212-6032
Scott Talley (803) 212-6048​
Ross Turner (803) 212-6148
Tom Young Jr (803) 212-6000
SAMPLE TEXT (you can copy/paste or use as a guide)
I am writing in strong opposition to S1087, which will discriminate against transgender youth.
Policies at the high school level should prioritize access and participation for all youth, including transgender youth. Across the country, state high school athletic associations have been allowing transgender student-athletes to participate with their peers in the gender with which they identify. This is something the South Carolina High School League should set policy on - not a matter for state government.
All young people should be able to get the benefits of participating in sport while being their authentic selves. I ask you to vote against S1087.
[your name]
[city, state]
[your email address]
TAKE ACTION: Send this to three friends and ask them to take action today.